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Is Automation the Answer in Auditing?

Ask Kathy Pride, and she’ll tell you: there are two ways for healthcare providers to perform proactive auditing of their claims.

There’s the old way—and there’s the better way.

The Executive Vice President of Coding & Documentation for Panacea Healthcare Solutions laid it all out during a recent presentation titled “How to Optimize Auditing Resources Using Automation.” Read more

PANACEA to Present Education Session on Demystifying Good Faith Estimates at HFMA Virtual Workshop Event in January.

ST. PAUL, MINNESOTA.– To guide healthcare providers to comply with the new regulations relating to Good Faith Estimates as part of the No Surprises Act that went into effect on January 1, 2022, Panacea Healthcare Solutions, Inc., the leading experts in hospital, physician, and pharmacy price transparency services, will sponsor the Healthcare Financial Management Association (HFMA) three-part series on the No Surprises Act billing regulations in January.

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