Hospital Pricing
When establishing strategic hospital pricing, it is important to take an across-the-board approach to unit costs to find items that are under-billed, or even un-billed, and yield optimum net revenue.
Panacea is a partner focused on helping you achieve strategic, defensible pricing.We use a cost and market-based approach that achieves net revenue objectives.
Panacea’s large team of seasoned hospital pricing experts uses the industry’s leading technology and benchmarking databases to provide you with multiple pricing scenarios to keep your pricing competitive and defensible.Clients have the option to use the software on their own in subsequent years to update and maintain their net revenue objectives.
Our process includes:
- Current unit cost, hospital, and free-standing market data
- Optimization algorithm within rational pricing parameters
- Multiple “what if” scenarios and models for consideration
- Impact analytics for stop-loss and lesser-of contract provisions
- Payer cap impact
- Gross and net revenue impact (overall and other levels)
- Commodity pricing consideration and analytics
Key Benefits
- Develop defensible pricing based on cost and/or market data
- Establish clear, documented rationale
- Ensure CDM prices are defensible yet yield optimum net revenue
- Improve position on publicly available consumer reports
- Reduce dependency on consultants for pricing updates in subsequent years